Many students have a hard time getting higher education because of the soaring costs of colleges and universities. Taking out a bank loan with interest only makes things worse. In case of unaffordability of funds, the prospective future doctor may end up abandoning his/her dreams. However, QASHF tries to make it easier on students to get their medical education.
Peace of mind for parents who are worried about funding their children’s education and future dreams. Keeping student life debt-free decreases stress on families.
Sharing from the abundance granted to us to attract more blessings. This generosity becomes a perpetual source of blessing for generations to come.
We anticipate, in all good faith, that the beneficiaries and other future generations of QAMC will continue and fortify the program in accordance with QAMC motto: Devotion, Duty and Dedication!
By extending financial assistance to students, our aim is to make it easier for students, in need, to manage their educational and boarding expenses. The aim is to help students focus on academic excellence.
Eligibility for QASHF Program
The QASHF Program seeks to award need-based critical support to the well-deserving applicants. In order to ensure transparency and consistency in the selection of candidates, the following major areas will be taken into consideration as part, but not limited, of the selection criterion:
An assessment of the financial need of an applicant will be determined by careful consideration of the financial portfolio of the candidate including evaluating the overall income and assets of the individuals, parent(s), or spouse where applicable, size of the household, as well as awards of scholarship or grants by other organizations or persons.
Awards are determined by examining the applicant’s satisfactory academic achievements, test scores, class standing, GPA, and other relevant awards or honors. Volunteer & Community
Engagement. The selection process will also
take into consideration how involved an applicant is in the greater community through volunteer engagement. Such examples include volunteering at a local food bank, serving in a leadership position of a club or school organization, academic tutoring, etc.
The selection process will also take into consideration how involved an applicant is in the greater community through volunteer engagement. Such examples include volunteering at a local food bank, serving in a leadership position of a club or school organization, academic tutoring, etc.
QASHF Program Committee
The current QASHF Program Committee is an ad hoc committee appointed by QAMCAANA president, Dr Mohammad Riaz, on May 2. 2021, and will be responsible for reviewing the applications and selecting eligible recipients of the financial aid support from the QASHF Program. The Committee will continue to refine the policies and procedures of the program and oversee the administration of the ongoing process for awarding scholarships and the loan programs. The committee will also ensure that adequate resources are made available for the success and perpetuity of the Program.
The QASHF Program Committee is composed of seven (7) registered members of Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Alumni Association of North America. The current President and Treasurer of QAMCAANA will be serving as permanent members of the Committee.
The following are the lcurrent members of QASHF.
• Masood Ahmad
• Farhan Asghar (Treasurer ’21-’22)
• Muhammad Ali Chaudhary
• Mohsin Furqan
• Mohammad Khawar Ismail (Co-Chair)
• Mansoor Khokhar
• Massoud Elahi Mian (Chair)
• Asim Rana
• Mohammad Riaz (President ’21-’22)
In order to improve accessibility and ensure equity in the application and selection process, the QASHF Program scholarship application will be available in an easily downloadable electronic format on the form of the Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Alumni Association of North America website, QAMCAANA.COM. Also, children of current/sitting members of the QASHF Program Committee are not eligible to apply for financial aid support through the Program.